Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our fun new neighborhood!

We've only been in this house since June 25th, and already we've attending our second function at the neighborhood clubhouse! (The only thing we ever got in the old neighborhood was threatening letters from the trustees...they sent general letters out to the whole neighborhood, not just us!) Tonight we had neighborhood safety night. I knew there was going to be a fire truck and an ambulance and thought it would be perfect for Dylan. He recently started to get very excited when we see big trucks. Turns out, he prefers to see them from a distance. He wouldn't climb into any of the trucks, but he still had fun. Not only did we get to see big trucks, but they also had free snow cones, hot dogs, a balloon man, and a hand printing station (for child identification sheets) for the kids. Here's Dylan and Scott by the firetruck.
And by the ambulance.
Here Dylan is ordering his snow cone. He actually got 2 to share with mommy & daddy! What a nice, thoughtful kid!

Waiting very patiently for his penguin balloon.

Excited about his penguin balloon, but not willing to cooperate for a picture! He was running towards me so it's a little blurry!

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