Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We were able to sneak in one last weekend at the lake this summer. Sadly, Scott and I only made it down twice this year...Dylan went 3 times (thanks Mama & Papa!) You'd think we were busy moving into a new house or something. :) I was so proud of Dylan this weekend though. He was very nervous (okay sometimes screaming/crying) when it came to trying the unfamiliar like swimming in the lake and riding the jet ski. (Contrary to popular belief though, fear is NOT genetic...) But, once he tried it, he loved it! Here he is before and after he decided he liked swimming in the big lake. Check out that sad face!

And the happy face!

I love this picture. It looks like Dylan and Mama are having a very serious heart to heart moment. Notice his death grip in all the pictures though. The grip eventually loosened up and he even practiced kicking and blowing bubbles in the water. (Yes, I know the lake tested positive for e-coli. Doesn't it test positive for something bad almost every year?)

Here's a couple of pictures of Scott and Dylan riding the jet ski. I couldn't decide which one to post, so you guys get to see both. Again, Dylan was nervous about riding it at first, but then ended up loving it. Every time Scott would come in to dock the jet ski, Dylan would say "Ride." and point towards the lake. Scott didn't take him out of the cove, but Dylan thought it was pretty neat. Just wait until your big enough to hit some real waves kiddo! (in like 20 years, right???!!! Maybe fear is genetic...HA!) I thought I was pretty brave for letting him ride (and sticking around to watch him ride) the jet ski!

On Sunday some friends of Kathy & Terry's stopped by with their two boys for a boat ride and a late lunch. Here's everyone coming back from the boat ride. My personal nurse suggested that I avoided the bumpy boat ride in my condition, especially since the lake is so busy on Labor Day Weekend. (Did I mention that my personal nurse is my sister in law, Heidi, who just had an adorable baby and might be experiencing a bit of cabin fever not to mention time/sleep deprivation??? Don't worry, I told her it wasn't really Labor Day just yet. :) )

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