Sunday, August 30, 2009


Dylan has been very into "Choo Choo's" lately. When we were in Chicago with the Warfel family, the boys all had an opportunity to ride a little train, but Dylan chickened out. He's been looking at the picture of Braden riding the train and saying "I ride choo choo." I told him maybe next time we go to Chicago, but we got lucky yesterday. We had to run to St. Louis Mills mall to pick up some shoes for Scott and they had one of those indoor trains. Dylan was so excited to ride it. He got to ring the bell and everything! Here we are coming around the track. It was hard for Scott to take pictures b/c the glass panes (well, plastic panes) blocked our faces.

Here's a side view. Dylan loved riding the train! I'm so glad he's getting bigger and isn't as scared of doing new things. (You know, as long as mommy is right there with him...)

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