Thursday, August 20, 2009

Apparently I'm raising a BOY!!!

Despite my best efforts to keep Dylan as my sweet little boy, he is turning into a gross boy! The other day he figured out how to burp on purpose and thought it was the funniest thing. He had a case of the giggles for almost an hour. Tonight he has figured out how to fart on purpose. Not only is farting apparently hilarious, but somewhere he learned that it's even funnier to back his butt up to mommy and fart on her! I love the sound of him laughing, but does it really have to be over farting on mommy???? I guess I'll take whatever puts a smile on his face, for now. The first time we start these games in public though, I think I'll be changing my mind very quickly! Boys are so gross! Where do they learn this stuff???!!!

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