Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dylan is 2 1/2!

You should all know by now that I am a little bit of a psycho picture person. I almost always have my camera in my purse and I enjoy taking Dylan (and future monkeys) for professional pictures as well. I warned Scott when we first decided to have kids. The first year I take them every month for pictures, the second year every 3 months and the 3rd year every 6 months. After that I get their birthday and Christmas. (Although, both boys will have birthdays very close to Christmas, so I might have to get in a fun summer photo shoot!) Anyhow, Dylan is officially 2 1/2 this month, so we went to get his pictures taken. My favorite place so far is Picture People, but they are certainly not the cheapest. (We never go without a coupon, and we never buy into their packages.) We've tried JC Penny's but I wasn't too fond of the results. This time we went to Kiddie Kandids inside Babies R Us. I like the results and the photographer was VERY patient with Dylan for the hour long photo session. (He threw two all out fits while we were there...I mean laying on the ground, kicking and screaming fits.) But, their studio was up on a stage. It took Dylan a long time to warm up to being on the stage for the pictures. Plus, he kept tripping over the back drop thing. So, that wasn't my favorite. I could see where it would be good for a baby that doesn't move around. Anyone have any suggestions for a good, reasonably priced portrait studio?

He was so proud he reached the top step of the ladder. He kept saying "Mommy, up high!" He must have climbed that ladder like 30 times!

Never mind that the glove is on the wrong hand, and he's holding a soccer ball instead of a baseball. He's smiling, take the picture!

1 comment:

Evan and Maria said...

The pictures turned out darling, Jacki! I had the same experience with JC Penny's and Sears where I wasn't all that impressed! This past time, we went to Portrait Innovations in the Valley and I LOVED it! It was recommended by several people so we tried it out and we had a really good experience!

Maria :)