Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Trevor is 8 months!

There are a lot of pictures of Trevor here, I can't pick just a few.  He is so cute!  And, some of the pictures make me laugh!  I can't believe he is 8 months already!  He is growing so fast!  So far, he is showing no interest in crawling, although he is moving around a little bit on his stomach.  He mostly just spins in circles.  He has go-go-gadget arms though, that's for sure.  He can reach anything if he puts his mind to it!  And, this little love is so into giving kisses and hugs right now...it's adorable!  

  He looks like a happy drunk guy (drunk on milk!).  I imagine he's thinking, "Dude, come here and give me a hug man."  (I also imagine it in the voice of that guy that is always high on "That 70's Show.")
 And these pictures put a huge smile on my face.  His happiness is contagious!
 I may not win mother of the year for this picture, but I think it's hilarious.  It looks like he's so upset that I'm showing his legs.  
 This is what we see every day.  He just loves that thumb! 

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