Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Fun!

We had such an enjoyable Christmas this year!  It was Trevor's first Christmas, and the boys were just as excited to help him with his gifts than they were about their own gifts.  :)  We started our celebration at Mama & Papa's house a couple of days before Christmas.  Here is Trevor opening his very first Christmas gift!  He was more interested in the paper!

All the Haarmann Grand kids.  :)
Olivia loves her little brother, Owen.
 We spent Christmas Eve at the annual Haarmann Christmas Eve celebration.  It's close to 70 people now!  The girls had fun with some picture props that Heidi received for Haarmann Trivia.
 Dylan was so excited to receive new legos!
 Dylan loves spending time with the big kids at the Haarmann function.  Here he is hanging out with Harrison & Jack.
 Jackson enjoyed collecting the wrapping paper from everyone after they opened their gifts.  It was so cute.
 Sweet baby Owen.  He's about 2 1/2 weeks younger than Trevor.
 Future trouble makers!
 We headed over to G-Pa & Mimi's on Christmas Afternoon.  Here's a picture of all the boys.
 Jackson loved his Power Ranger present!
 Dylan & Mark.
 Trevor is such a happy baby!  

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