Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lights, Ornaments and Christmas Countdown!

The weekend after Thanksgiving was a busy one!  We had fun visiting Santa's Magical Kingdom, putting up our tree, and creating our countdown chain!  Here are some of the fun lights we saw at Santa's Magical Kingdom.
 The boys thought it was so cool to stick their heads out the back window to check out the view.  Trevor managed to sleep through the whole park!
 The boys did great decorating the tree.  They actually made sure the ornaments were all over the tree, instead of in just one spot.  They did really well at working together to put up all the ornaments.  

 Jackson had fun directing Dylan on some of the high ones!
 Trevor's first Christmas tree.  He's trying to figure out what it's all about.  :)
 I just thought this was cute of Trevor and Dylan. 
 And here are my crazy boys, so excited about the countdown chain.  Dylan kept saying, "Christmas is so close and it's so hard to wait!"  He is so excited this year, and that makes it even more special!

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