Saturday, December 28, 2013

Santa Came! Merry Christmas!

We hope everyone had a joyful, Merry Christmas!

  Trevor had so much fun with all the wrapping paper!
 Dylan is so excited about his Dino & Go that Santa brought.
 Jackson makes me smile.  He was so excited about everything.  His joy is contagious.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Fun!

We had such an enjoyable Christmas this year!  It was Trevor's first Christmas, and the boys were just as excited to help him with his gifts than they were about their own gifts.  :)  We started our celebration at Mama & Papa's house a couple of days before Christmas.  Here is Trevor opening his very first Christmas gift!  He was more interested in the paper!

All the Haarmann Grand kids.  :)
Olivia loves her little brother, Owen.
 We spent Christmas Eve at the annual Haarmann Christmas Eve celebration.  It's close to 70 people now!  The girls had fun with some picture props that Heidi received for Haarmann Trivia.
 Dylan was so excited to receive new legos!
 Dylan loves spending time with the big kids at the Haarmann function.  Here he is hanging out with Harrison & Jack.
 Jackson enjoyed collecting the wrapping paper from everyone after they opened their gifts.  It was so cute.
 Sweet baby Owen.  He's about 2 1/2 weeks younger than Trevor.
 Future trouble makers!
 We headed over to G-Pa & Mimi's on Christmas Afternoon.  Here's a picture of all the boys.
 Jackson loved his Power Ranger present!
 Dylan & Mark.
 Trevor is such a happy baby!  

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Trevor's 8 month photos

Here are the pictures from Trevor's 8 month photo shoot!  It was Dad's turn this time.  Such handsome boys!



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Cookies

Aunt Kassi came over today for our annual Christmas Cookie baking day.  Jackson woke up this morning and ran to the window to see if Kassi was here yet.  He checked for her about every 2 minutes until she arrived (a few hours later!)  I think he was a little excited.  He also informed me that he learned how to stir at school (they talked about baking last week, and even baked bread!), so he could do all the stirring for us. :) Dylan really surprised me this year  by helping us all day long.  He was really excited about every new batch of cookie.  Here are my hard workers!

Trevor wanted to help too, but settled on chewing on an unused spatula.  :)

 I love these pictures.  In the first one, Jackson is totally eyeing the cookie he wants.
 And here, Trevor is either trying to stop him, or get to the cookie first!  LOL
 The stash.  :) 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dylan's Christmas Concert

St. Paul put on a great show, as usual!  I think Dylan even had fun!
 They look so grown up.
 Ending the song like a rock star!  Love it!
For about 10 minutes, Dylan was really excited about wearing a tie.  We had a tie that actually fit him, and matched the shirt, but he insisted on wearing this one instead.  It didn't quite match, and it was a little short.  He was still adorable though, so I snapped some pictures. I didn't realize the tie was so crooked until just now!  Oh well!