Monday, September 14, 2009

Kiener Plaza

After playing at City Gardens for awhile, we headed over to Kiener plaza to see the All Star game arches. I thought they were pretty neat...I think Scott thinks he saw all he needed to see when we drove past them. Dylan got to run around some more, and that's really all that counts. Burn as much energy as possible!

You can barely tell, but Scott and Dylan are standing right in front of the fountain in this picture of the real arch.
Here's Dylan running through all the arches. He was so excited I was letting him run that far!
Here's Dylan and I under one of the arches. We were doing "Ta Da!" And, I had no idea my shirt was all goofy like that. I later explained to Scott that I can longer see below my belly button, so if my shirt is caught like that he has to tell me! He said he didn't even notice it. Good thing I had a tank top on, huh?
Here's Scott and Dylan walking through the World Series arches. Dylan loves being up high!
Even Scott is smiling! I don't think he would admit it, but it looks to me like maybe, just maybe he was having fun. He was really hoping we were going to lay around and do nothing all day. I'm a little nervous that we'll be doing a lot of nothing once the baby is born, so I want to get out as much as possible now. Plus, I want to get in all the Dylan time I can...he won't be the only one for much longer!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I love the pics!! Jake always wants to relax at home to! I'm always making us get up and do something!! I totally understand!