Monday, September 28, 2009


We headed out to Eckerts yesterday morning. Jon, Heidi, Livvy and Evie all joined us. It was beautiful weather and everyone had a great time! Dylan and Livvy enjoyed running through the fort and riding the apple spin ride (kind of like the tea cup ride, but with apples instead of tea cups). Here's Livvy, Jon, Scott and Dylan inside one of the apples.

Dylan got to go up high to pick the apples. He thought it was so cool.

Before Eckerts, I couldn't get him to eat an apple at all. As soon as we hit the orchard though, and he saw everyone else eating the apples, he went to town on one. He's decided that he likes them now...woo hoo!

Proof that baby Evie was there. She was sleeping in the sling the whole time, but she was there!

Family photo op! We couldn't get him to stop chomping on his apple!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby Haarmann Update

I had my appointment today. I'm still measuring a week ahead, but they are keeping my due date as Oct. 26th. However, I don't think the doctor thinks I'm going to make it that long. I'm 35 weeks right now, and she seemed very surprised to find that I am already 1cm dilated and 50% effaced! I have told her this whole time that I am going early...I don't know why she was so surprised! With Dylan I started dilating at least 2 weeks before he was born at 38 weeks. It sounds like this baby (still nameless...I guess we better get on that!) is heading down the same path. They did an ultrasound today, but I haven't had a chance to scan the pictures yet. They measured him though, and he is already 6 pounds, 8 ounces! Dylan was 7 pounds 14 ounces, so again, this baby is already copying his big brother! We're so excited to meet him!

Susson Park

Yesterday I took a half day so Dylan and I could get our flu shots, and hang out a little before the baby arrives. The weather cooperated, so we headed to Susson Park. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but Dylan is ALL boy. We looked at lots of animals, and with each one he was more excited about the poop in the cage. He kept saying "Mommy, see? Poop!" I don't know how many more conversations about poop I can have with this child!
Here he is checking out the pigs. (I don't think any of the poop made my pictures...sorry!)

And here he is checking out the cow.

Welcome to the world baby Cameron!

Chad and Sara had their baby girl yesterday, Cameron Elizabeth. She was 7 lbs, 21 inches long and everyone is doing great. Look at that sweet little face!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Emaline!

We helped Emaline celebrate her 3rd birthday this past weekend. It was an action packed princess party! Dylan really enjoyed himself. Emaline's very creative mom, Ryane, had this fun craft activity for the kids. The Prince's and Princess's each got to make their own crown. Here's Dylan hard at work, decorating his crown.
And, here's the finished product. He has been wearing it around the house ever since!
They also had a bounce house. I love this picture because Dylan looks so guilty. At least we know he took his shoes off...I don't know what else he was up to though.
Here's another example of Ryane's creativity. Check out that cake! Ryane and her sister made it. Absolutely adorable.
One of Emaline's presents was this Disney Princess car. Dylan wanted to ride, but wouldn't get in with Emaline while she was driving. He waited until she wanted to play something else and then immediately hopped in. Thank you for sharing with him Emaline! Here he is chillin' in the princess ride.
Here he is concentrating on his driving skills. It looks like he's about to run over Scott's foot!
Like I said, it was an action packed princess party, and Dylan had a blast. He fell asleep within 5 minutes of leaving the party. Thanks for inviting us Emaline. We hope you had a good party, and have a great birthday!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Scott!

Happy Birthday to my fabulous husband Scott! He wanted to sit around the house today and do absolutely we let him! Dylan and I escaped for a few hours to let him have some peace and quiet. I hope he enjoyed it...especially since the 2nd baby is coming within a few weeks. It'll be a long time before he gets peace and quiet again!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Balloon Glow

Last night we braved the crowds and headed to Forest Park for the balloon glow. While it was a LOT of walking (we parked very far away) I think it was worth the visit. Dylan wasn't sure what to think. I could tell when we were getting too close to a balloon he wasn't sure about because his grip would get a little tighter. He though it was so neat that the balloons went up high though. He kept pointing out the candles on top of the energizer bunny birthday cake. Then we would sing Happy Birthday to Daddy, because his b-day is coming up!
It's hard to tell, but that's Scott and Dylan on the right.

One of the highlights was the energizer bunny balloon with his birthday cake. The bunny is 20 years old now!

They lowered the bunny balloon in between glows, so everyone could touch his feet. After a little encouragement, Dylan thought it was kind of fun to touch it. The thrill did not last very long though...he was nervous being so close to the balloon!

I enjoyed all the colorful balloons.

I think this is just a neat picture.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

34 Weeks!

I had my 34 week check up today. She said I'm actually measuring at 35 weeks. She must have seen my face light up because she was very quick to inform me that it doesn't mean this baby will arrive a week early. I told her I think that's just what she's supposed to say...she just kind of laughed at me. She wants me to get an ultrasound next week to see exactly how big this baby is measuring! I'm all about having this baby early so bring it on! By early I mean after the 36 week mark, but before the 40 week mark. Dylan was born 2 weeks early...that would be perfect. If I get to keep any ultrasound pics next Wednesday I'll be sure to post them...and I'll definitely keep you guys in the loop about this baby boy. Now, if only Scott and I could agree on a name. He might seriously be named Baby Monkey at this point. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Golf Lessons

We ended the day with dinner at Mama & Papa's house. Here's some fun pics of Papa giving Dylan a quick golf lesson.
I would say check out this swing through...but the ball is still there. It's very possible that he was trying out his left hand swing on this shot. He hasn't quite decided if he wants to swing right or left...he's the same way when we practice tee ball. That could be good, right? Start perfecting both ways and bring in the money! That way he can take care of Mom and Dad when he's older and playing professional sports!
I love that one leg is straight and one is bent. I know nothing about golf...but I'm pretty sure that's not how Papa taught him!
I just thought this one was funny. I love the diaper sticking out! He seems very serious!

Kiener Plaza

After playing at City Gardens for awhile, we headed over to Kiener plaza to see the All Star game arches. I thought they were pretty neat...I think Scott thinks he saw all he needed to see when we drove past them. Dylan got to run around some more, and that's really all that counts. Burn as much energy as possible!

You can barely tell, but Scott and Dylan are standing right in front of the fountain in this picture of the real arch.
Here's Dylan running through all the arches. He was so excited I was letting him run that far!
Here's Dylan and I under one of the arches. We were doing "Ta Da!" And, I had no idea my shirt was all goofy like that. I later explained to Scott that I can longer see below my belly button, so if my shirt is caught like that he has to tell me! He said he didn't even notice it. Good thing I had a tank top on, huh?
Here's Scott and Dylan walking through the World Series arches. Dylan loves being up high!
Even Scott is smiling! I don't think he would admit it, but it looks to me like maybe, just maybe he was having fun. He was really hoping we were going to lay around and do nothing all day. I'm a little nervous that we'll be doing a lot of nothing once the baby is born, so I want to get out as much as possible now. Plus, I want to get in all the Dylan time I can...he won't be the only one for much longer!

City Gardens

We finally made it down to the City Garden this past weekend. I've been wanting to go since it opened, and we just haven't had time. It was a gorgeous day outside, so we took advantage of it! At first Dylan didn't want to get out of his stroller at all, but he eventually warmed up to it. Here's Scott pushing Dylan through the water fountains before Dylan would get out of the stroller. He kept saying he didn't want to get wet.

I was trying to coax Dylan out of the stroller by showing him how cool it was to walk on the rocks. I don't think I knew I was getting my picture taken, but it turned out to be a decent belly pic. I'm 34 weeks along now!

Yay! I finally got him to get out of the stroller! Once he was out, he had a blast.

It's a little hard to tell, but that black part is actually water flowing down. Dylan loved splashing in it.

Here he is trying to run away from Scott's big splash!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Heidi!

We hope you have a great day!