Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend!

We always have such a great time at the lake.  It was a little too chilly to go swimming the first day we were there, so we did some races in the driveway.  Here are some monkey's hopping like bunnies!  Man they have energy!
 I'm not positive, but I think Trevor had a fun weekend.  ;)  He enjoyed swimming and taking his first boat ride!  Plus, check out those comfy overalls - you can't wear those things and NOT have fun.  ;0 
 He likes to give kisses to everyone.
 Check out this crew on the boat!

The Budster
I think this picture is hilarious.  All the kids are a little timid around fish still, and Owen goes right for it.  He's the brave one of the bunch!
 A few of the kids actually got in the lake - it didn't last very long though - it was chilly!
 We did get to enjoy time at the pool though!

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