Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend!

We always have such a great time at the lake.  It was a little too chilly to go swimming the first day we were there, so we did some races in the driveway.  Here are some monkey's hopping like bunnies!  Man they have energy!
 I'm not positive, but I think Trevor had a fun weekend.  ;)  He enjoyed swimming and taking his first boat ride!  Plus, check out those comfy overalls - you can't wear those things and NOT have fun.  ;0 
 He likes to give kisses to everyone.
 Check out this crew on the boat!

The Budster
I think this picture is hilarious.  All the kids are a little timid around fish still, and Owen goes right for it.  He's the brave one of the bunch!
 A few of the kids actually got in the lake - it didn't last very long though - it was chilly!
 We did get to enjoy time at the pool though!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

More Cakes!

We got lots of cakes this weekend!  I was trying to come up with some creative ideas for pictures.  So, we brought plastic spoons and pretended to eat the cake at Lafayette Park.  Then, at Ameren, we ate baby cakes in front of the big cake.  Hope we didn't hurt the cakes feelings!  
 I think this cake might be my favorite so far.  This was at the Peabody Opera House.
 This one was fun too.  It's at the St. Louis Blues Museum.
 Kiener Plaza
 Dylan played photographer for this one.  (Christ Church Cathedral)
And Jackson played photographer for this one!  Both of them did a great job! (Broadway Oyster Bar)
 We got a family shot at Busch Stadium! 
  I'm so excited that the boys are enjoying the scavenger hunt so far.  It's fun to see them race to the cakes with me!

Go Cards!

We ventured out to the Cards game today.  What a perfect day for it!  We got free ice cream before the game, and we got to meet the North Star Penguin!  Dylan and Jackson each got a red wooden bat too!  We also ran into lots of friends (Hi Maddy & Hi Aiden!) which Dylan thought was so cool.   


Monday, May 12, 2014

Trevor's 1 year pictures

Finally found some time to upload Trevor's one year pictures!  He sure had fun...until we busted out that cake!  He's so handsome!

STL is 250!

A scavenger hunt across St. Louis, that involves me taking pictures???  I have a new project.  I love this game.  The boys are playing along so far.  Every time we pull up somewhere they say "Oh, it's another birthday cake."  So, they might not be as enthusiastic as I am about it, but they smile for the camera, and that's what makes me happy.  :)  Here's some of my favorites so far.  I'm finding that I really enjoy the bright, colorful ones.  :)  The top left is the Frank Lloyd Wright house - it is very colorful, but doesn't have a whole lot of meaning.  The top right is Manchester City Hall.
 Maritz - I love it when Trevor gets in the action too!  He usually sleeps right through the stops.  
 Saint Rose in St. Charles.  I love the simplicity of this one.  And the colors.  :)
 Jackson said this is his favorite cake so far.  It's at Shaw Nature Reserve.  If you look closely you can see lots of animals on it.  An eagle, a frog, a turtle...that's why it's his favorite!
Next weekend we're going to a Cardinals game.  I'm so excited about the possibilities - there are lots of cakes downtown!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

My day with Jackson!

Jackson's personality is growing more and more.  He is constantly entertaining me.  Here's a few snippets from today:
We saw an ambulance driving by so I said, "Should we say our prayers?"  He answered, "Yes, OUR PRAYERS!"
Later on Jackson was telling me how super hungry he was.  I asked him if we knew where we were and how close we were to Dylan's school (which is right across the street from Panera, where we were going to get lunch).  He said, "Mom, I know where we are - we are in the car!"
He's so funny and clever!  He cracks me up everyday!  Today I was so lucky to spend the entire day with him.  We've both been counting down to our fun day, and praying for the rain to stay away so we could have our fun.  We went on a field trip to Valley Mount Farm and Purina Farms.  Jackson got to feed and kiss a horse, pet pigs, bunnies & chickens and watch a super fun dog show!  We found a STL cake too!  I'm so grateful for my special day with my special guy.  :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Air Show

We were part of the thousands that tried to get to the air show this weekend.  We sat in traffic for almost an hour before we gave up and pulled over.  After a short walk, we found a good spot to sit and watch the air show from afar.  The first part of the air show wasn't very interesting to the boys.  Even though the planes were flying right over us.  I thought it was pretty cool, but I could see where the boys were a little bored.  It was a little slow at times.  They managed to pass the time by playing in the dirt.  :)

  Right before the Blue Angels started Jackson declared that he had to go to the bathroom and he could not wait.  So, we started walking back to the car.  We were still able to catch most of the air show as we headed back to the car.  Jackson thought it was too loud!
  Scott and I kept an eye on where the planes were at all times so we could tell the boys when one was getting close, so they could cover their ears.  As we got closer to the car, we thought we were too far from the air show, so we stopped paying as much attention.  We were walking right behind a movie theater so we couldn't see to the right of us.  All of  sudden one of the planes flew over right in front of us, scaring all of us!  The boys were terrified!  There were lots of screams and tears.  The plane was SO loud, and it all happened so fast!  I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.  It took a few minutes, but the boys finally got over being scared.  Dylan was talking about how the Blue Angels are the best pilots in the world all afternoon, so he must not have been too scared, thankfully.  :)

 Dylan really liked this formation because they were far away (not as loud!) and they looked like bowling pins!