Friday, June 28, 2013


We headed out to the zoo to see the new baby elephant!  Here's a picture of the new elephant family!

This baby elephant is not the new baby, but he's still pretty young!  They were having fun splashing around in the pool.
Every year I try to get a picture by this particular penguin statue.  :)
Our whole family by the big Ape!
This guy is so weird and so cute.  I love the little hands and feet!
We saw the new sea lion show.  The kids really liked it.  It's kind of hard to see, but the sea lion is doing a handstand!
Here's some pretty scenery from the zoo.  :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


We caught an early fireworks show with those crazy Warfel boys!  Everyone had fun running around, waiting for it to get dark.  I was able to catch them when they weren't running to get a couple of pictures.  :)

Waiting for the show to begin!
What the????  Love this face!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Trevor at 2 months

I'm finally getting around to posting Trevor's professional 2 month pictures.  The photographer was able to get some adorable smiles and faces from him.  i just love this kid.  :)

I love his feet!
And his smile!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Sweet Boys!

Everyone was in a pretty good mood this morning, so I thought I'd take advantage and take some pictures.  I think they turned out pretty well!  These guys just make me smile.  :)
I love how Dylan is checking on Trevor.  :)
Big Bro and Baby Bro
I can't believe I got them all looking at the camera and sort of smiling at the same time!  This one is going in a frame!
Just looking cute.  
In reality Trevor was crying, but in the picture he just looks a little surprised maybe?
Just hanging out on the floor.  
Silly Jackson!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Busy Week!

We had a busy week!  Tuesday we did a lot of nothing, since we had just returned from our Kansas City trip on Monday.  Wednesday we met up with the Pfeuffers to go to the Museum of Transportation.  The boys really liked the trains!  They enjoyed sitting at the front of the tram and saying "All Aboard!"
The big boat was a hit.  As were the roly poly's by the tree.

 Trevor was there too!
 Thursday, Mimi and Gpa joined us for a trip to Grant's Farm!
  It's hard to see it, but there is a big daddy deer with HUGE antlers in the picture of the field.  And, check out the peacock by the barn!
 The new attraction this year...camel rides!
 Feeding the camels.  This particular camel sat there with his mouth wide open and the boys had to throw the food in.  It was hilarious!
 Everyone checking out how big those turtles are! 
 Hanging out by the beer wagon.
 Scott is off on Friday's during the summer, so we all ventured out to the neighborhood pool!  It was Trevor's first time swimming.  This swim suit is a size 6M...he's 2 1/2 months, and I struggled to get it over his big head!  He's my monster...and I love it!  He wasn't so sure about swimming at first, but once he got used to the water, he did okay.   

 Finally, we had 3 baseball games and a practice!  It was crazy, but it was fun!  Jackson had fun playing on the playground at the baseball field.  
 Dylan and his buddy Grant.
 Getting a hit and scoring a run!  
 Mimi hanging out with Trevor.  Trevor really wanted to wear this cute little baseball outfit...which is size 3 months.  It was very VERY snug on him, but he toughed it out!  He is growing WAY too fast! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Powell Gardens

On our way home from KC, we stopped at Powell Gardens.  They were having a LEGO sculpture exhibit that I thought the boys would enjoy.  And, I thought they could run around and get some energy out before the long car ride.  I was wrong.  :(  There were LEGO sculptures, and I thought they were neat.  However, as Jackson pointed out, apparently it was "Boring."  And then it started raining so the boys headed to the main entrance (where they could be dry indoors!) while I ran through the rest of the garden to view the remaining exhibits.  Here are a few of my favorites.

  I'm trying to convince him that it's not boring.  He just doesn't appreciate how hard it is to build LEGO sculptures.

All in all we had a great trip to KC.  The boys are already asking when our next vacation will be.  :)  At least I know they had fun!