Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vacation! - Atlanta

We had a fabulous week spending time with family in Gulf Shores!  It was so fun to see the joy on the boys faces with everything that we did.  I took something absurd like 1500 pictures (seriously, I'm crazy!).  I couldn't help it!  There was so much to see and the boys were having a blast!  It's nice to be home though and back in routine.  When we got home the first thing Dylan did was run up to his room and said, "Mom, my room is still awesome."  Then he ran into the bathroom and started yelling for me to come in there...he was so excited about something.  Here was our conversation when I got there:
Dylan: "Mom, the toilet got smaller!"
Me:  "Umm, I'm pretty sure it's the same size D."  (we call Dylan, D.  Jackson started it.)
Dylan: "No Mom, it got smaller because I got bigger on vacation!"
It's so funny to me how they see things. 
ANYHOW, I'm not going to post 1500 pictures, but I am going to do small doses of our trip.  :)  We drove to Atlanta first (b/c it's on the way to Gulf Shores??? LOL)  We got Atlanta in our heads b/c we wanted to hit another baseball stadium.  Then Scott discovered that they had the world's largest aquarium, so we left at 2 am on Friday morning and got to Atlanta by lunchtime.  We hit the aquarium and a baseball game!  Some of my favorites from the aquarium:  the Beluga Whales
 Watching the boys reaching to touch sting rays and little sharks

Great Big Whale Shark
The boys LOVED these touch screen computer monitors in front of the big fish tank.  They would look at a fish on the monitor and then try to find it in the tank!  They were doing really well with it.
 The boys checking out the big colorful fish tank up close

 The boys and I
 Scott and Jackson popping up in the penguin's home!
 Scott and Dylan outside the aquarium
They had a great dolphin show too, but we weren't allowed to take pictures.  I highly recommend this aquarium if you're ever in Atlanta!
Next stop was the stadium!  Turner Field.  Outside the stadium they had these huge baseballs everywhere. 
Boys being silly inside the stadium.  
 Watching the game.
 There was a playground inside the stadium that entertained the boys for awhile. 
 Family shot!

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