Thursday, June 21, 2012


We drove to Pensacola, Florida to watch the Blue Angels practicing.  It was really neat...and LOUD! The pilots are very talented.  Mark said that they have one formation (possibly this first picture) where they fly 18 inches apart.  HOLY COW!

If you look closely, you can see the wheels on these planes.   See how the plane on the left is flying upside down?  Crazy! (It's easier to see if you click on the picture to make it larger.)
 And this is how I watched the airshow.  Both boys were on my lap and I was covering their ears.  I thought it was loud and I'm 25% deaf in one ear, and was wearing ear plugs!  I secretly enjoyed them cuddling with me though. 
Once the Blue Angels were done practicing, we went inside the Aviation Museum to check out some planes up close.  You were able to climb in some of the planes, which was pretty cool.  Jackson and Dylan really liked playing pilot!

Checking out a Blue Angel plane.
 Dylan and Olivia waiting for their turn.
They had some models of battleships too.  I was in the middle of a book about World War 2 when we went to the museum.  Some of the battleships that were in my book were modeled there.  It was pretty neat to see them.

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