Sunday, June 24, 2012

Beach Time!

Everyone had a turn being buried.  Here are Evelyn and Olivia.
 Next up, Dylan.
Then Jackson!
 Stormy weather was heading our way.  Check out those waves!
 D flying a kite!
 Hunting for snails or crabs or something.
 David and Jackson playing ladder golf!
  He has a catfish!
 The water was different every day because of the weather.  On this particular day there was a ton of algae, making the water look very green. 
 Elena and Dylan jumping over the waves.

 Snack time!
 Every just hanging out.
 Check out Jackson getting a free ride on the boogie board!  He loved it!
The wave got him this time!  He didn't mind though!
Little boy with his boogie board.
 Mama and her monkeys!
 Pretty pics
  Scott on the boogie board!
 3 pairs of sunglasses! 

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