Monday, June 25, 2012

Saying farewell to the beach

On our way back to St. Louis, we stopped one last time to say goodbye to the beach.  The boys and I had a great vacation, but we were tired and anxious to get back home to see Buddy. 
Beautiful beach.
This was our view walking up to the beach everyday.  Not too shabby.
Pretty flower by the beach.
Dylan and I are already looking through these pictures and trying to talk Scott into taking us to another beach.  We had so much fun!


Our friend Conor suggested we try eating at the Oar House for lunch one day, so we all went.  He was right, the place was delicious and the environment was fun.  It was right on the water and the kids had a good time looking at the boats.  Here's Olivia and Heidi and the big fish!
 Dylan and I. 
 Dylan's catch!  LOL
 Haarmann kids by the big fish.
Elena posing by some pretty palm trees for me.  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Beach Time!

Everyone had a turn being buried.  Here are Evelyn and Olivia.
 Next up, Dylan.
Then Jackson!
 Stormy weather was heading our way.  Check out those waves!
 D flying a kite!
 Hunting for snails or crabs or something.
 David and Jackson playing ladder golf!
  He has a catfish!
 The water was different every day because of the weather.  On this particular day there was a ton of algae, making the water look very green. 
 Elena and Dylan jumping over the waves.

 Snack time!
 Every just hanging out.
 Check out Jackson getting a free ride on the boogie board!  He loved it!
The wave got him this time!  He didn't mind though!
Little boy with his boogie board.
 Mama and her monkeys!
 Pretty pics
  Scott on the boogie board!
 3 pairs of sunglasses! 

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I'm taking a little break from our vacation photos, but have no fear, there will be more.  :)  Dylan had a karate ceremony earlier this week and earned his green belt!  Thanks to Grant's Grandma for taking some pictures and sharing them with us!  Here's Grant, Patrick, Dylan and Jacob showing off their new belts.
The whole karate class with their instructor.  
 Dylan showing off the 'Stun, Escape' move.  I think when the assailant grabs your wrist you are supposed to 'Stun' them on the shoulder which allows you to free your wrist and escape. 

Big Fish!

We took the boys down to the Marina one afternoon to see some of the fish that the deep sea fishermen caught.  They got a lot of Red Snapper.  This was just the first bucket they unloaded.  I think they unloaded at least 5 buckets! 
 Here's one up close and personal.
 The boys thought it was pretty neat to watch them unload the fish.
 Scott and I decided to take Dylan on a dolphin cruise.  We left Jackson behind because Jackson tends to fall asleep on boats as soon as they start moving.  :) 
 Some of the dolphins!  Dylan thought it was pretty cool!
 Let's play a little game...try to spot the blue heron.  There were a couple of islands in the bay where a lot of blue herons nest.  I was surprised to see that their nests were usually towards the top of the tree.  (that's a big hint if you're still trying to find the bird!)

 Here's the three of us on the dolphin cruise.  Guess what?  Dylan fell asleep.  He saw a lot of dolphins first though. 
 Everyone met up at the marina after our dolphin cruise for dinner.  Here are the kids making a wish with Uncle David's money!  (Thanks Dave!)