Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Zoo

Yesterday Mama joined Dylan and I for a fun trip to the zoo! I was looking forward to having a day out of the house, and was very grateful Kathy came along to help me chase and carry Dylan around. Here they are in front of the elephants.Here Mama is teaching Dylan about the elephants trunk and how they raise them up high.

Every other time we've been to the zoo, Dylan was very interested in the train, but did not want to ride it. This time, as soon as he heard the train he started saying "Ride Choo Choo!" He was very patient as we waiting in line for our turn, and then even more patient when we sat on the choo choo for about 30 minutes before it even started. Apparently the train in front of us was stuck on the hill, so we had to wait for them to get unstuck. He was so happy when the train finally started! Here's a picture of Mama and Dylan riding the train...he refused to look at the camera!

Here's some animal pics. I thought the monkey in the tree was kind of funny. Mama and Dylan are looking at a Rhino, but it's far away, so you can't see it very well. I was excited to see the seals. I feel like they are not out every time we are there.

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