Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy 4th of July (a little late!)

Since we were still recovering from our summer colds, we had a pretty low key 4th of July this year. We stayed at home to get some rest. I had some 4th of July stickers that I thought Dylan would want to play with. All he wanted to do with them was put them on mommy, so here I am looking very festive.
After dinner, we headed outside to do a few fireworks that we thought Dylan could participate in, like snakes and poppers. Here he is watching the snakes grow from a safe distance! He thought they were pretty neat.

Here he is throwing some poppers down on the ground. He quickly learned that it was much easier for him to toss them on the ground, then run and stomp on them!

We braved some sparklers as well. Here's a quick video of Dylan doing his very first sparkler!

Dylan loves to help clean up!

While we were outside a few of our neighbors mentioned that they do a big firework show at the clubhouse. We headed that way to see what it was about. It was probably one of the better firework shows I've seen in a few years. Apparently all the neighbors make donations for the show. One of our neighbors is a pyrotechnic so he is in charge of buying all the fireworks and setting them off. The show lasted about an hour. It was fabulous! Dylan fell asleep at the beginning of the show. It always amazes me that he can sleep through all that noise. Look how sweaty he is too, it was so hot and humid outside that night. I closed my eyes in between fireworks, while they were waiting for the smoke to settle a little bit. Let's face it, both our bed times are before the show even started!

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