Saturday, July 12, 2014


I participated in the Muckfest for MS this weekend, and it was so FUN!  Messy, Smelly and FUN!  It's a 5k with a bunch (like 20-ish) mud obstacles along the way.  Here's our group before the race.
Waiting for our turn.
A few of the obstacles.  We had to hold onto the swinging ropes or fall into the big, deep mud puddle.
  We had to jump off these big swings into yet another big, deep mud puddle.  Melody did a cannonball!  Each 'puddle' had a steep slope on the way out, so you had to pull yourself up with the ropes.
 Our messy team at the finish.
 Unfortunately, Ryan broke his ankle on the very first obstacle.  The muddy slopes can be dangerous!  Hopefully next year will be better.  :) 
 I had a ton of fun, and recommend it to anyone!  Just think of it as a day at the spa, in a mud bath!

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