Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jackson is 4!!!

I cannot believe it, but Jackson is 4!!!  How did that happen???  We celebrated on his birthday with presents and cake.  His birthday was a busy day full of soccer games, a Halloween party and Trunk or Treating!  He had a blast!
  We had his party the day after his busy birthday, and we had one TIRED boy on our hands.  He wasn't giving out very many smiles, but he still had fun!  Here's most of the kids getting ready for their Samuri Training.  We had a Power Ranger party, and the kids had to complete an obstacle course (Samuri Training) in order to become honorary Power Rangers!
He just looks so excited, doesn't he?
Here he is looking thrilled again.  And, do you see what he's doing in the second picture???  Pretty sure he's trying to tell us something.  ;)
 He's not looking at the camera here, but I can see that dimple, so I know he's smiling! 
 Sort of smiling...
And here he is about 10 minutes after everyone left.  One tired 4 year old!

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