Friday, October 25, 2013

Bird Sanctuary and Lone Elk Park

Dylan was off school for parent teacher conferences, so I took off work to spend some time with the boys.  It worked out perfectly because Jackson had a field trip that we were able to attend!  They have been studying owls, so we went to the World Bird Sanctuary.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was actually pretty neat.  I'm looking forward to going back...when it's a bit warmer out!  
The size of an eagle's nest...holy moly!
Some cute little owls.
The boys were able to touch a snake while we were there....yuck.  But, they both think it's cool.  My cute little dodo birds.  :)   
Jackson's a bad eagle!
 The Bird Sanctuary is right next to Lone Elk Park, so when the field trip was over, we drove through the park to see what we could find.  There were some big animals...and they were right next to our car!  I was nervous to roll the window down to take a picture!
 I thought the trees were really pretty with the sun hitting them, so I was pretending to be a photographer.  :)

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