Friday, December 23, 2011

Crazy Christmas Eve!

Haarmann Christmas Eve is a super fun and slightly crazy tradition. Every year all the Haarmanns gather to celebrate. And, every year the number of attendees grows. Between new babies and new significant others, there are close to 55 people! It's so fun to see everyone though, and watch the kids interact. Dylan wants so badly to be a big kid, and hang out with the big kids. They are all so sweet to him to, including him in their adventures. Scott's cousin, Jack, is extra sweet to Dylan and is always taking great care of him. Dylan has a little man crush on Jack and it's the cutest thing ever. I'm so grateful that Jack is so sweet to Dylan (even though I think he was slightly annoyed that I kept taking pictures of them! LOL).
Somebody found the candy jar...
Some of the kids patiently waiting for presents.
Mama and Jackson. I didn't realize it until now, but they have on matching sweaters!
Jackson found this yellow chair somewhere in the house and carried it with him the whole night. It was big, awkward and heavy, but he would not let go!

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