Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning!

The boys were so excited to see that Santa came!
Christmas Rocks!
All Dylan has talked about for weeks was getting a Nintendo DS from Santa. Every present he opened that morning he would look at and say, "This isn't a DS." (then he would be excited for whatever the gift was.) Finally, the last present they opened was a DS! He looked at it and tossed it aside. I asked him if he knew what it was and he said no. So, I pointed to and made him say the letters. D...S. I asked "What is this Dylan?" His reply, "I don't know." We did that about 3 times before I caved and told him it was a DS, just like he was hoping for. He looked at me and said "But it's not red." (Santa got him blue) I had to explain to him that they come in different colors and Santa probably knew that his best friend, Grant, already had a red one and didn't want them to get confused. After that he was so excited and hasn't put it down yet! Here they are opening the DS and the games.

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