Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

We had a very low key New Year's Eve this year. We enjoyed spending the evening with the Wood and Brueckmann families. We did a countdown at 11 so the big kids thought it was okay to go to sleep. It worked for Dylan. Jackson was up with at midnight though, after a quick cat nap. He was one tired monkey though. The kids had a blast hanging out in Wade's toy room. They loved Wade's new slide!
And they enjoyed playing games together. I thought this was so sweet. Ryan and Jackson loving on Annie.
One tired boy. Why is it so natural for boys to put their hand in their pants?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Becker Christmas

Christmas afternoon we headed to my Dad's house to celebrate Christmas with them. The boys had a blast playing with all their cousins. What a fun 3 days they've had! Here they are loving on Fritz, Uncle Todd & Aunt Erin's dog.
Jackson checking on Drew's new train.
Dylan's new light saber.

Christmas Morning!

The boys were so excited to see that Santa came!
Christmas Rocks!
All Dylan has talked about for weeks was getting a Nintendo DS from Santa. Every present he opened that morning he would look at and say, "This isn't a DS." (then he would be excited for whatever the gift was.) Finally, the last present they opened was a DS! He looked at it and tossed it aside. I asked him if he knew what it was and he said no. So, I pointed to and made him say the letters. D...S. I asked "What is this Dylan?" His reply, "I don't know." We did that about 3 times before I caved and told him it was a DS, just like he was hoping for. He looked at me and said "But it's not red." (Santa got him blue) I had to explain to him that they come in different colors and Santa probably knew that his best friend, Grant, already had a red one and didn't want them to get confused. After that he was so excited and hasn't put it down yet! Here they are opening the DS and the games.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Crazy Christmas Eve!

Haarmann Christmas Eve is a super fun and slightly crazy tradition. Every year all the Haarmanns gather to celebrate. And, every year the number of attendees grows. Between new babies and new significant others, there are close to 55 people! It's so fun to see everyone though, and watch the kids interact. Dylan wants so badly to be a big kid, and hang out with the big kids. They are all so sweet to him to, including him in their adventures. Scott's cousin, Jack, is extra sweet to Dylan and is always taking great care of him. Dylan has a little man crush on Jack and it's the cutest thing ever. I'm so grateful that Jack is so sweet to Dylan (even though I think he was slightly annoyed that I kept taking pictures of them! LOL).
Somebody found the candy jar...
Some of the kids patiently waiting for presents.
Mama and Jackson. I didn't realize it until now, but they have on matching sweaters!
Jackson found this yellow chair somewhere in the house and carried it with him the whole night. It was big, awkward and heavy, but he would not let go!

Haarmann Christmas

We enjoyed Christmas with the Haarmanns on Christmas Eve Eve. It is so fun to watch the kids excitement around this time of year. Dylan got his very own tackle box! That will be so fun when we go fishing at the lake this spring.
A big favorite...Batman's cave!
I think he likes it!
It was so hard to get a good picture of all the kids.
My boys, eating as always!
Sweet Evelyn.
Rock Star Olivia!
Papa and Jackson.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Fun!

We've had a fun month celebrating the holidays! We decorated our tree, made Christmas cookies, looked at lights at Santa's Magical Kingdom, played the games at Santa's Village at Bass Pro Shop and enjoyed the boys Holiday program at school. Here's my cookie monster. His favorite part is cracking the eggs, which he is actually really good at.
One of our finished products. I was impressed it actually looked like a reindeer! My 3 boys helping to decorate the tree. Jackson getting a little help to reach higher.Now Dylan's gets a little lift!The Arch at Santa's Magical Kingdom.Dylan was hanging out the window the whole time. I think he was honestly more excited that I let him sit in the front seat for the light display.Riding a reindeer at Santa's Village in Bass Pro Shop.I know absolutely nothing about using a bow and arrow, but I think this looks like pretty good form.Jackson is just dying to be one of the big kids. He wanted so badly to be able to see the race track. (When I wasn't taking pictures I had to hold him up so he could play!)At the beginning of the song, Jackson was not happy to be on stage. In fact, he almost took a nose dive off the stage in an attempt to escape!
But, by the end he was doing much better. Here he is showing off his bells.Dylan didn't have any stage fright! Look at my dancing machine!

Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday Season!

Santa Visit #2

We had breakfast with Santa a few weekends ago. Jackson was in awe of Santa from far away, but up close both boys were nervous again. Dylan made Mama tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas! Here's Jackson pointing at Santa from a 'safe' distance.
Our attempt at a picture. At least we're all looking in the same direction. Poor Mrs. Claus.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa Visit #1

Dylan and Jackson weren't very thrilled at sitting on Santa's lap. Dylan was shy and Jackson was nervous. Apparently if you're shy or nervous you have to stick your tongue out and make a weird face for the picture!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

School Pictures!

My school pictures were never this good! This company (Images 4 Kids) does a fabulous job. I would love to know their secret...How do they get both boys to look at the camera and smile at the same time?????!!!!!!