Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bouncing with Santa

Thursday evening Dylan and I had a mommy & Dylan date at Bounce U for Bouncing with Santa! Dylan was so excited to be bouncing! When it was our turn to go see Santa he literally ran in, jumped on Santa's lap, told him he wanted Buzz and then jumped off and went back to bouncing. He wasn't even interested in the cookies that Santa was sharing! I was just excited that he wasn't scared or being shy around Santa!

Here's Dylan practicing his baseball skills. He hits the bat on the ground three times before he swings. One, Two, One....GO! (I correct him all the time, telling his it goes one, two, three, go...but he insists that I am wrong. Silly mommy.)

Going in for a slam dunk. Are you allowed to pull the basket down so you can reach it better???!!!

Flying through the air in the bounce house.

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