Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Day

We didn't get home until very late on Christmas eve so I was worried about the boys (well, mostly Dylan...Jackson gets lots of sleep all the time!) getting a good nights sleep. But, Dylan squashed my fears by sleeping in until 10:00! Scott and I were waiting anxiously for him to wake up...even debating if we should wake him up. We waited it out though and had a memorable Christmas morning!
Me and my boys
All the boys
Later that afternoon we headed to my Dad & Marie's house to continue the celebration. Todd and his fiance played some Christmas music for us. Here's a pic of Todd jamming.

Alexis and Dylan are listening to the music and singing along.

Marie and Jackson relaxing.

Merry Christmas!

We hope everyone had a great Christmas! Ours was a little hectic, but it was all worth it! Jackson was pretty relaxed for his first Christmas...he basically slept through it! Dylan had a blast opening his own gifts, as well as Jackson's. The big winners this year were Buzz, Mator & Lightning McQueen. He likes his train table too...but mostly plays with his hot wheels on the train track instead of the trains!
Christmas Eve we started out at Scott's parents house. Here's a pic of our family by the Christmas Tree.
Later on we headed to Scott's Grandpa's house for the fabulous, ginormous annual Haarmann Christmas. There are a ton of people which makes for great a holiday atmosphere!
Evelyn in her pretty Christmas outfit. I didn't do it on purpose, but I love how the coloring in this picture makes it look like an old picture. It even looks a little smokey, but there was no smoke there.

Evelyn and Jackson having one of many conversations to come.

Livvy giving kisses under the very watchful eye of Dylan the almighty big brother! See his arm? I like to believe he was just trying to help make sure she didn't fall on his little brother while she was giving him kisses. Really, he was probably trying to push her away...

Mama and Papa with baby Jackson.

Jackson talking to the camera!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jackson is 2 Months Old

Baby Jackson is 2 months old! I can't believe it. But at the same time it feels like he's been here forever. It was such a natural adjustment when we added him to our family. It's hard to remember him not being here. He had his 2 month appointment earlier this week and everything is going great. He weighed in at 14 lbs, which puts him in the 92nd percentile. He is 23 3/4 inches long, putting him in the 75th percentile. Dylan was only 11lbs 5 oz and 23 1/4 inches at his 2 month appointment. While Jackson will always be the younger brother, he is on the fast track to be the bigger brother! Watch out Dylan! Here's just some cute pictures we took tonight of Jackson.
Let's face it...even their mad faces are so darn cute!
relaxing on mommy's shoulder...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bouncing with Santa

Thursday evening Dylan and I had a mommy & Dylan date at Bounce U for Bouncing with Santa! Dylan was so excited to be bouncing! When it was our turn to go see Santa he literally ran in, jumped on Santa's lap, told him he wanted Buzz and then jumped off and went back to bouncing. He wasn't even interested in the cookies that Santa was sharing! I was just excited that he wasn't scared or being shy around Santa!

Here's Dylan practicing his baseball skills. He hits the bat on the ground three times before he swings. One, Two, One....GO! (I correct him all the time, telling his it goes one, two, three, go...but he insists that I am wrong. Silly mommy.)

Going in for a slam dunk. Are you allowed to pull the basket down so you can reach it better???!!!

Flying through the air in the bounce house.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dylan's singing debut! ...Sort of

Dylan had his first school concert tonight! They sang Let it Snow and It's Snowing. Most of the kids in Dylan's class were jumping around and dancing to the song. Dylan however, was a little bit shy. He wouldn't dance or sing. Scott and I were standing up by the stage to take pictures, and Dylan stood by us the whole time...he wouldn't even stand with his class. So, he's not going to make his millions on the stage...we still have professional sports! :)
Here's Dylan during his performance. See his class in the background???!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

This morning we went to Dylan & Jackson's school for breakfast with Santa. We were treated to doughnuts, pancakes, sausage and juice. Then we had story time and picture time with Santa and Mrs. Claus. I have to tell you...I'm a little worried about Mrs. Claus! She was a little too excited at the prospect of one of the dad's sitting on her lap for a picture. And, when it was our turn, she was telling me how they dress up like this and go to the bars. She said the big kids like her better than the little ones. Ummmmm, WHAT??? I just kind of giggled politely and got out of there as fast as I could! I was thinking about asking the director of the daycare where they found Santa and Mrs. Claus, but am too nervous to...what if they are someone's parents? I don't want to hurt any feelings! Santa was good with Dylan though, and actually got Dylan to sat on his lap. Dylan told Santa he wants a blue train. I guess I better get to shopping! Here's a picture of the boys with Santa.

Here's a picture with Mrs. Claus...just so you guys can get the whole picture.

Dylan being cute while we were waiting for our turn to see Santa.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gingerbread Train

This year, in lieu of a gingerbread house, I decided to go with a gingerbread train. Dylan is VERY into trains right now, so I thought it would be perfect. The train doesn't have an angled roof like the house does, making it much easier for me to put together as well! Dylan was very into decorating the train. He got mad if I used the wrong color of candy when I tried to help! Here he is concentrating very hard on decorating. He was cracking me up!
The finished product. Choo Choo!
An up close view from the front.
and a view of the side.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dylan's Fall School Pictures

I still don't get how they get him to sit still and actually pose for the pictures. He never does that for me!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Santa at the Saline Valley Firehouse!

Today we met our friends, The Warfels, at the the Saline Valley Firehouse to visit Santa. It was actually pretty neat because we were the only ones there! The boys got to play on a brand new fire truck and slowly warm up to Santa. Jackson didn't mind Santa at all, and actually took some of his beard as a souvenir! Dylan would only stand next to Santa, with mommy of course. And, I had to tickle him to get him to smile, hence his belly is showing! I hope the fire station does this every year was a lot of fun!

I'm trying to coax Dylan into checking out the fire truck. This is the first time I've ever gotten him inside one. He prefers to view the trucks from far away.

Braden and Owen with Santa.

Braden was the first kid to ever be in the driver seat of the brand new fire truck!

Friday, December 4, 2009

My early Christmas Gift!

It may not sound like much to some of you, but I was so excited today! Today is the end of week 7 at home for me. I have enjoyed many smiles, hugs, kisses (or kips), laughs, and love while I have been home. I have also enjoyed many tantrums, crying, bossiness, hair pulling and most importantly nap battling. Today Dylan walked in the room I was in and asked me to come to his room with him. I told him I couldn't because I was feeding Jackson, but that I would come in when I was done feeding the baby. When I finally ventured to Dylan's room, he had climbed into his bed, turned on his movie (yes, we have a portable dvd player in his judging.) tucked himself in and took a nap! He was sound asleep! There was no screaming, no battling, and no car rides to get him to fall asleep! Dylan, Lightning McQueen, and a couple of other friends were all down for the count. He's so sweet when he's asleep! :)

More cute pics of Jackson

Looking peaceful all bundled up.
Daddy's little helper.

Chrsitmas Cookies with G-Pa

Yesterday the boys and I spent the day at my Dad's house making Christmas cookies. Here's a couple pictures of Dylan as a great big helper! Here's Dylan bossing G-Pa around..."G-Pa, I need that!"

Working the dough...

The most important job of the day...tasting the dough!

Helping G-Pa put the dough on the baking sheet.

Placing the cherries in the center of the cookies! Every time a cherry was placed on a cookie, some of the cookie dough from the cookie was mysteriously missing. Dylan took his taste testing job very seriously! He's definitely his mother's child!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jackson is 6 weeks

Dylan went to school today, so Jackson and I had a photo session. My Christmas Present!

Cheers Baby! Kathy & Terry bought this shirt for him while they were in Boston. On the back it says 'I don't even know my name.' I think that was a shot at Scott and I because we couldn't agree on a name until after he was born!

Just laying around.

Comparing sizes. He's the same size as Buddy!