Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Treats

So, I bought a bag of Halloween colored M&M's with every intention of making Halloween M&M chocolate chip know, in my spare time. Well, Halloween came and went with no cookies. I saw a picture of rice krispie treats with M&M's in them though, and decided to make that instead. I thought Dylan would have fun helping me sort the colors and we'd just have rice krispie treats with orange M&M's. I'm calling them my Thanksgiving Rice Krispie Treats. What the picture failed to tell me though, was that unless you are Martha Stewart the M&M's are going to melt when you put them into the HOT krispie mix. I even waited a little bit before mixing them in. The M&M's got soft though, and when I went to flatten the rice krispie treats into the Pyrex dish, all the M&M's split apart. Oh well, they still taste yummy! Here's Dylan showing me the orange M&M while he's sorting them.

Here he is collecting his paycheck for helping me sort them M&M's! I wish I could always pay him in M&M's!

When we make brownies, he loves to lick the spatula. (who doesn't???!!!) He insisted on licking the spatula this morning, even though I told him it's not as fun as the brownie spatula. He gave up pretty quickly!

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