Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We enjoyed spending time with both of our families and eating lots of delicious food. Dylan really enjoyed eating his chicken (aka turkey!). He wouldn't eat it when we called it turkey, so we told him it was chicken (which he's obsessed with) and he gobbled it right up!
Here's a picture of Olivia admiring Jackson. She apparently got too close for Dylan's comfort and he felt he needed to tell her "That's MY baby Gackon!" Dylan is not really a big fan of Olivia. I think it has to do with having to share her with Mama & Papa. He's not about to share HIS baby Gackon as well!
Here's a picture of a few of the Haarmann cousins being silly with Dylan and Jackson. It was neat to watch Dylan interact with some of the older boys. He's starting to actually play with them instead of just watch them. He jumped right in this picture, making silly faces with the boys. In the past he would have just looked at them like they were crazy!
This is just a cute picture of Dylan chilling in Jackson's bouncy seat. He looks so big. I feel like it was only yesterday that he would scream his head off whenever I put him in that bouncy chair!
Here's Scott and Jackson relaxing today. All that turkey made Scott tired...or it could have been the camping out at Best Buy last night. I woke up at 3:30 to feed Jackson and Scott was gone. He wasn't in Dylan's room and his car wasn't in the garage. I texted him, only to discover that he decided to go camp out, hoping to get a laptop. They passed out tickets for each product that was on special and they ran out of laptop tickets before they got to Scott. So, he stood outside in the freezing cold for a few hours for nothing. Since when did my husband become one of those crazy Black Friday shoppers???!!! I think it's insane!

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