Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here's a picture of Olivia admiring Jackson. She apparently got too close for Dylan's comfort and he felt he needed to tell her "That's MY baby Gackon!" Dylan is not really a big fan of Olivia. I think it has to do with having to share her with Mama & Papa. He's not about to share HIS baby Gackon as well!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Scott's new fish
Monday, November 23, 2009
Jackson - 5 Weeks
I think this picture is hilarious. It looks like he's trying to leap out of the picture!
Thanksgiving Treats
Here he is collecting his paycheck for helping me sort them M&M's! I wish I could always pay him in M&M's!
When we make brownies, he loves to lick the spatula. (who doesn't???!!!) He insisted on licking the spatula this morning, even though I told him it's not as fun as the brownie spatula. He gave up pretty quickly!
Happy Birthday Mallory!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Jackson is 1 month old!

Friday, November 13, 2009
Tummy Time!
Dylan hasn't enjoyed the paparazzi (aka me) following him lately. But, I caught him smiling at me!
A close up of Jackson at the park.
Dylan's peeking through the stroller to check on Jackson.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
2 Week Check Up
Here's a cute story about Dylan. Jackson was crying while the doctor was examining him, and Dylan was very worried. I tried to explain to Dylan that it was okay and the doctor was just making sure baby Jackson was healthy and strong. Dylan stopped me and said "Not okay mommy, Baby Gackon cry." He was so worried about his baby was so sweet! He is already proving to be a fabulous big brother!
Happy Halloween!
Here's a picture of Dylan dressed as Woody. He wasn't quite sure about it though...
My sweet little Jackson dressed in his pumpkin outfit.
and here he is in his Halloween shirt.
Here's a few pictures of the boys. Dylan was so excited to get to hold Jackson. He's had a cold since the baby was born, so we haven't really let him too close to the baby. He was feeling better though, so we braved it! Look how happy he is!
That night though, when they were all dressed up, Dylan did not want to sit by the baby. This was as close as we could get him. Most of the pictures we took were of Dylan trying to get away from the baby. We had to bribe him with some of his candy so he would sit still for the picture!