Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome Jackson Christopher!

What an exciting and tiring week so far! I was induced on Monday morning, and Boy 1 (or so all the paperwork said ) was born at 4:14pm. We finally settled on his name a couple of hours later...Jackson Christopher. He was 8 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long. Here's a picture of Scott, Jackson and I before they took Jackson up to the nursery for all his tests.

Close up of Jackson.

My sister Kassi, who was watching Dylan and updating facebook for me all day, (People, that was not me updating facebook while I was in labor! Although, I was texting Kassi the updates to post, so I guess I'm still a little crazy!) brought Dylan up to meet the baby. He was a little nervous that mommy was laying in the hospital bed. I look like I'm ready to fall asleep on his shoulder!

In an attempt to include Dylan in everything, we had him pick out a toy for the baby before the baby was born. Dylan was very surprised to see that the baby had a present for Dylan as well. And not just any present, but a choo choo train set! Here he is with Scott and Jackson showing Papa what the baby gave him. He would not let go of that toy until they left. Kassi said he played with it the whole next day too. I guess Jackson knows what his big brother likes already!

Here's a picture of Dylan and Jackson with Papa. Dylan's so proud in his big brother shirt. (Although when we were leaving the hospital this morning, Dylan said "Momma, Dada, Dylan go...Baby stay." It's going to be a fun few weeks of adjusting for us!)

I'm still working on getting that whole family shot!


Kari said...

Congratulations! We cannot wait to meet Jackson. Too funny, but Jason came to my room on Monday and swore up and down that he saw Scott, and now, I believe him since we were both at St. John's at the same time. Too funny. He is a cutie, and Dylan will gradually some around. It has taken Audrey a few days as well. Glad to hear you are home and doing well. Talk to you soon!
Kari and the rest of the Chambers crew

Crystal said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing great! He is adorable!! Those are the best hospital pics I've seen, they are adorable!!
We can't wait to meet him!!

Ryane said...

Congrats Jacki, Scott & Dylan! Jackson is so cute, loved the pictures from the hospital, very organized Mama! Can't wait to meet the new little guy in person. Let us know if you need anythng!