Sunday, October 4, 2009

Toy Story 1&2 in 3D

Although Dylan's current obsessions are Finding Nemo, Diego, and Shrek, 2 weeks ago it was Toy Story 1 & 2. So, when we heard they were coming to the theaters in 3D we thought it would be fun to make that his first movie experience. Yes, it was both movies back to back, which was 3 hours long. But, Dylan did really well. They had the stadium seats so we were able to put up the arm in between us. I propped my feet up on the seat next to us (the theater was not even half way full), and Dylan sat in what is left of my lap. (The baby belly has kind of taken over my lap!) Here's Dylan inside the theater. He was refusing to look at the camera today, so I snuck a picture while I was walking behind him.
Here's Dylan sitting in the big theater seats, holding his 3D glasses. He didn't wear them at all for the movie. I watched part of the movie without my glasses to see if it hurt my eyes, and for the most part it was fine. There were a couple parts that were more blurry than others, but mostly it was just like watching a regular movie. He didn't seem to mind at all, that's for sure. As long as he had his popcorn and juice, he was a happy camper.

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