Sunday, April 12, 2009

Decorating Cookies and Egg Dying

What a busy weekend we've had so far! We started it out on Friday night making cookies and dying eggs! Dylan decorated a few cookies, and then got bored. Egg dying was a whole different story though...he loved it! Here he is decorating some cookies for me.
He's showing me the frosting that he's using to decorate the cookies.
Livvy decided it was much easier to eat the cookies, rather than decorate them. That's my kind of thinking!
After decorating cookies, we moved on to the very messy task of dying eggs. Did I mention that I had just had my carpets cleaned Friday morning and the house will be on the market on Monday? No worries though, Windex gets out any blue dye that may have spilled...twice!Dylan loved dying eggs. He kept asking to do 'mo, mo, mo.' (more.) Here he is so proud of his blue egg!
Here's a video of him dying eggs. You can see he tried to used the egg dipper, but it sure isn't kid friendly. It was much easier to use his hands. The dye stained his hands a bluish green and he looked like he had smurf hands for 2 days!
Sweet Livvy was in a very loving mood after the excitment was over. Here she is loving on Dylan.

And here she is loving on Buddy. Doesn't Buddy look thrilled. He was so tired and just wanted everyone to leave!

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