Sunday, April 26, 2009

Congrats to Tim and Becky Lampe!!!

Congratulations Becky and Tim! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful wedding!
We tried to get a family picture in between the wedding and reception. Dylan wasn't having anything to do with that. All he wanted to do was run around!
Scott has tried, very successfully I believe, to make it a tradition at Haarmann weddings for everyone to do a duck fart shot. (Crown, Kahlua & Baileys) There were many rounds of the shots last night from what I understand. Here's a picture of just one of the rounds! Brave souls. (Who am I kidding...I would have been taking the shot with them if I could! I would stop with 1 round though.)
The two pregos. Heidi and I enjoyed watching all the drunks on the dance floor. And guessing the flavors of the jelly bellys from the candy bowl!
Thanks Becky & Tim! It was a fun night!

Our House

Apparently being pregnant, chasing around Dylan and working full time was not enough for me. We decided (however insane it may be) to put the house on the market. Don't they say the 3 most stressful things in life are starting a new job, selling your house, and having a new baby? I'm doing all 3 this year, within a 10 month period. You won't hear me say I'm bored, that's for sure! (Unless I'm at work. The new job is a little slow, but that's a whole other story) So, here's a picture of our fabulous first home together. It went on the market the Monday after Easter. We'll have been in this home for 6 years this June. She's served us very well. Notice anything fun about the house? It's kind of hard to tell in this I took a close up of the sign for you to see. That's right...we already got an offer! Who said the housing market was bad??? We were very lucky to receive an offer less than 2 weeks after listing our house. The buyers offered list price, and they will cover closing costs. They don't want to close until June 25th, which is perfect for us. We hadn't even begun house hunting, so now we have a little bit of time to look for a new house and avoid being homeless! That's always good. Our real estate agent said she was excited to use her under contract FAST sign b/c she hasn't gotten to use it in awhile. I'm glad we could help her out. :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Riding his bike

The weather was beautiful tonight, so we were playing outside some. Dylan discovered that it's fun to ride his bike down our driveway, which is slightly slanted. He was having a blast. I tried to get some pictures of his huge smile, but most of them turned out blurry since he was moving so fast! Here's one where you can at least kind of see his smile!
This one is pretty blurry, but you can still see that smile!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bud Weil Park

We had to waste about 45 minutes tonight for another house showing, so we headed to Bud Weil park. I couldn't resist taking pictures. It's so sweet to watch the Scott and Dylan interacting together. Everyone, including Buddy, had a great time! Here they are looking for birds. They found a couple and Dylan was so excited!

Here they are trying to see if they can find any fish. They did not have any luck. They did see some frog eggs though. Isn't that a delicacy somewhere? Yuck.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has a happy 'hoppy' day!

River Chase Egg Hunt

Saturday morning we joined the Warfels at Riverchase for an egg hunt. This one was much more successful than the one we went to last weekend. There was actually some sort of control during the egg hunt. Only so many kids were allowed to egg hunt at one time, which made it much more enjoyable. I didn't have to worry about Dylan getting mauled by other crazy parents! Dylan actually had a good time and caught on to the purpose of the egg hunt!

Here's Scott, Dylan Owen and Braden after the boys gathered all their eggs!

This is Chipper, the mascot for Riverchase. Dylan wasn't too sure what to think of him. He's not really into dressed up characters.

After the egg hunt and a nap, we headed out to my Dad's house for an early Easter celebration. Dylan enjoyed playing tee ball outside and having another Easter egg hunt inside! Here he is after the egg hunt, looking slightly annoyed that I am taking yet another picture!

Working hard to get that egg open! Mimi taped them shut! She's making him work for the prize inside!

Aunt Kassi taught Dylan to put his prize money in his pocket instead of giving it to mom. I think she thinks that since I took her prizes when we were kids, I'll take Dylan's! (haha! I was a mean big sister!) I would never take Dylan's prizes though, I'm a nice mommy. Although, fair warning Dylan, if mommy finds money in the washer or dryer it's hers to keep!

Dylan and Alexis looking cute.

Here's Mimi, Dylan and Kassi playing outside. It was great weather!
Dylan playing t-ball. This toy could entertain him for hours and hours! He loved it!

Decorating Cookies and Egg Dying

What a busy weekend we've had so far! We started it out on Friday night making cookies and dying eggs! Dylan decorated a few cookies, and then got bored. Egg dying was a whole different story though...he loved it! Here he is decorating some cookies for me.
He's showing me the frosting that he's using to decorate the cookies.
Livvy decided it was much easier to eat the cookies, rather than decorate them. That's my kind of thinking!
After decorating cookies, we moved on to the very messy task of dying eggs. Did I mention that I had just had my carpets cleaned Friday morning and the house will be on the market on Monday? No worries though, Windex gets out any blue dye that may have spilled...twice!Dylan loved dying eggs. He kept asking to do 'mo, mo, mo.' (more.) Here he is so proud of his blue egg!
Here's a video of him dying eggs. You can see he tried to used the egg dipper, but it sure isn't kid friendly. It was much easier to use his hands. The dye stained his hands a bluish green and he looked like he had smurf hands for 2 days!
Sweet Livvy was in a very loving mood after the excitment was over. Here she is loving on Dylan.

And here she is loving on Buddy. Doesn't Buddy look thrilled. He was so tired and just wanted everyone to leave!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thank you cookie!!!

One of my friends made her famous & fabulous sugar cookies for Easter and shared some with me. Here's a short video of Dylan saying Thank You Cookie! You see a little bit of his attitude at the end also. :)

Easter Egg Hunt at Delmar Gardens

We went to visit Scott's Grandma and enjoy an Easter Egg hunt at Delmar Gardens last weekend. Here's Dylan and Livvy waiting for the Easter Egg hunt to begin. I love how Dylan is wearing his basket like a purse!

Here's Scott and Dylan checking out the prizes in the eggs!

They had lots of games and things to do, like pony rides. Dylan would only look at the ponies though. When we tried to get him to ride one, he started throwing a kicking, screaming tantrum. So, here he is watching the ponies.
Here's PaPa, MaMa, Dylan and Livvy with the Easter Bunny. Neither kid was too excited about the idea of sitting next to the bunny!