Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dylan is officially 2!

And what a day he had! We went to the doctor to get his 2 year check up. Everything looks great. He threw an absolute fit when the nurse was trying to weigh him and measure him. I quickly got out the fruit snacks though, and saved the day. He was fine for the rest of the appointment. Then we headed to Dierbergs. The cashier found out it was his b-day and gave him a b-day sticker! She didn't stop there though! She drug us to the service desk and Dylan got to pick a toy from their birthday basket! Then, she drug us to the florist and Dylan got a free happy birthday balloon! He was so excited! Thanks to Dierbergs for all the great gifts!

I can't believe he is already two! The time has sure flown by, but it has been the best 2 years ever! We celebrated by having cake and ice cream tonight. Here are some crazy pictures of my silly 2 year old monkey!
He thinks it is hilarious when he takes one arm out of his shirt. I think maybe he is just so proud that he figured out how to free his arm!
We were singing Happy Birthday to the one arm monkey. It kind of looks like he's wearing one of those shirts that girls sometimes wear, where one arm is missing on purpose! (Sorry PaPa!)Check out that facial expression! He was trying to blow the candle out! I think he actually got it on this try!

Getting a little taste of the cake. I bought half of a chocolate cake from Dierbergs (I just found out you can buy half cakes from their bakery.) It was delicious!

I call this one chocolate "Cheese"! That's his face when he says "Cheese" for the camera.

I'm not sure what was going on's just a funny picture!

1 comment:

Evan and Maria said...

Happy Birthday, Dylan! So glad you had a great day!!!

Maria and Cole