Monday, February 23, 2009

Mardi Gras at the Zoo

We bundled up on Sunday and headed to the Zoo for the kid friendly Mardi Gras Parade! We went with my friend Jennifer Warfel and her two boys, Braden and Owen. Oh yeah, our husbands were there too! Jennifer decorated a wagon and a stroller for us and the boys got to march with their 'floats' in the parade! Dylan wasn't really too sure what was going on, and why we were hanging out in the cold. Once I gave him his goldfish though, he was very content on sitting in the wagon and doing some people watching! Here's Jen pulling the wagon with Dylan and Owen. Scott is pushing the stroller that held all of our bags!
Here's Owen and Dylan up close during the parade. Owen tolerated his penguin hat. Dylan took his off right can see it in the wagon right in front of him. Along with the shared bowl of goldfish! Penguins eat fish, right?
There was a band that led the parade. The drummer let Braden play the drum while we were waiting for the parade to start. He was so excited!
The theme of the parade this year was penguins. Here's Dylan giving a high five to a big penguin!
Here we are taking our picture with a scary looking Elmo. I think he's a knock off Elmo, if that's even allowed. Dylan didn't notice a difference though.
Finally, here's our traditional penguin statue picture. Every year we go to the zoo, and every year I take a picture of Dylan by this statue. I have no reasoning behind taking a picture by this particular's just something I started doing, and will probably continue for a long time! This year Dylan was petting the statue!

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