Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

We had so much fun celebrating Easter this year!  Although, Trevor was not a huge fan of the Easter bunny...
 He did enjoy finding a couple of eggs on the egg hunt though.  The boys did a great job helping him.  Once the little kids were done with the egg hunt, the big kids all lined up to go.  This is the first year that Jackson got to go with the big kids and he sure held his own!
 Jackson loving on the Easter Bunny.  He was SO excited for Easter this year.  He could hardly sleep the night before!
 The Easter Bunny hid tons of eggs all over the house!  Look closely and see if you can find the eggs that they missed! 
 Trevor had a low grade fever all day on Easter.  My poor, sweet baby.  Here is my sweaty boy catching some Z's while the boys were on another egg hunt.
 Dylan absolutely idolized his cousin, Jack.  Jack is so sweet and good to Dylan, which I love.  He's the perfect kid for Dylan to look up to and aspire to be.  :)
We hope everyone had a fabulous and Hoppy Easter!

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