Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

We had so much fun celebrating Easter this year!  Although, Trevor was not a huge fan of the Easter bunny...
 He did enjoy finding a couple of eggs on the egg hunt though.  The boys did a great job helping him.  Once the little kids were done with the egg hunt, the big kids all lined up to go.  This is the first year that Jackson got to go with the big kids and he sure held his own!
 Jackson loving on the Easter Bunny.  He was SO excited for Easter this year.  He could hardly sleep the night before!
 The Easter Bunny hid tons of eggs all over the house!  Look closely and see if you can find the eggs that they missed! 
 Trevor had a low grade fever all day on Easter.  My poor, sweet baby.  Here is my sweaty boy catching some Z's while the boys were on another egg hunt.
 Dylan absolutely idolized his cousin, Jack.  Jack is so sweet and good to Dylan, which I love.  He's the perfect kid for Dylan to look up to and aspire to be.  :)
We hope everyone had a fabulous and Hoppy Easter!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Dying Eggs!

The Haarmann cousins!  It is next to impossible to get them to all look at the camera and smile at the same time.  They seem to be looking in the same direction in this picture...
 Trevor is so excited about his new elephant!
 Dylan was pretty proud of his 'artwork'!  This is the paper towel they were putting the eggs on when they took them out of the cup.  :)
 Trevor's first time dying eggs!  He loved it!  Jackson is showing me his favorite egg.  He was so proud of himself! 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Trevor's Birthday Party!

We celebrated Trevor's birthday this past weekend.  He was NOT a fan of his cake.  He's actually had cake before (he's so the third child!) and loved it, but he wanted nothing to do with this cake!

 He was a tired boy after the party, and went to bed as soon as everyone left.  The next morning he woke up with a smile on his face, and was ready for presents!

He kept staring at his new sippy cups.  I think he was trying to figure out why there was no milk in them!  At one point, he actually tried to drink from the cups - while they were still in the package!  Silly boy.
 He's rolling in the money now!
 He had a great birthday weekend.  Thanks to everyone who helped him celebrate his first birthday!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Trevor is ONE!

I can't believe my sweet baby is ONE!  What a fun year it has been!  He is so close to walking now...he just has to let go.  He loves to give his brothers kisses and will drop EVERYTHING if he sees someone playing with a ball.  He loves to play 'catch'.  He gets into everything...every drawer, every cabinet, anything within his reach!  He's so tall too, that we really have to watch where we put things.  The other day he pulled a placemat off of the KITCHEN TABLE and knocked down everything that was on that placemat.  Seriously, I did not know he was tall enough to reach things on the kitchen table.  He's in the 98th percentile for height, so I guess I should have known better!  He doesn't sit still very long now, so it's hard to get good pictures of him.  Here he is before he woke up - possibly the only time he is still!
 Birthday Boy!
 My favorite boys!  (Dylan still has an orange soda mustache from the ballgame the day before!  He did take a bath, but it wouldn't come off...must have been a good orange soda!)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Go Cards!

Today Dylan, his friend Grant and I headed to the ballgame with their school.  The older kids (and a few of Dylan's friends!) were singing the National Anthem before the game started!  The weather was absolutely perfect!  Here are the boys when we finally got to our seats.  They were so excited for their nachos...I think because they knew that after nachos came cotton candy!
 Here's Grant helping some random lady (I assumed she was part of the St. Paul crowd, but it turned out she wasn't!) start the wave!  
 We found a friend!  Jayden, Grant and Dylan.  Such handsome young men!  (Never mind Dylan's orange soda mustache.  LOL)