Thursday, August 15, 2013

My BRAVE Dylan

Jackson has my dimples and Trevor has my eyes.  Dylan has my ears, which is not a good thing.  He has moderate hearing loss in his right ear and mild hearing loss in his left ear.  Luckily, it is nothing permanent, but it is highly annoying and frustrating for everyone.  He had the first surgery out of at least three this past week. It was the first step to correcting his hearing.  This surgery was to repair the hole in his right ear drum and remove some skin that had grown in his middle ear.  (there's not supposed to be any skin in your middle ear.)  The Dr. was also going to be able to get a good look inside Dylan's ear to see what else is going on.  What was supposed to be a 45 minute to 1 hour surgery, ended up being 5 hours long.  Once they go into his right ear, they found all sorts of complications.  They were able to fix what they intended to fix, and are now more able to be prepped for the future surgeries.  He'll have to replace some bones that have deteriorated in order for his hearing to improve.  While Dylan was under, the doctor was also able to get a good look in his left ear and saw that we will have to replace at least one bone in that ear as well.  Dylan has a long road ahead of him, but he has been so brave.  He has a high pain tolerance (like his mom!) and has only needed Tylenol since we left the hospital.  He has complained a little bit about being dizzy (which is expected) and he says his neck hurts (which I think is because he's nervous to move his head, so it's getting stiff).  He's loving the Dr.'s orders of watching movies and playing his Nintendo DS.  :)  Here he is, looking like a Dr., dressed in his scrubs for surgery.
 Feeling a little relaxed after some special medicine.  
All wrapped up after surgery.  

1 comment:

Evan and Maria said...

Poor little guy! Hope he's feeling better soon! Can you believe our boys are in 1st grade??? How did that happen?? :)