Sunday, September 16, 2012

Six Flags!

We caved and took the boys to Six Flags.  We had some friends that have season passes and have been asking us to go all summer long, but we've always had an excuse.  It's too hot, we'll be at the lake etc.  But, the weather was perfect, we were in town AND they had free tickets for us.  We HAD to cave.  Scott and I haven't been since we were teenagers, and we quickly discovered that we were in for a little treat too.  I was nervous that Dylan was going to be too timid to ride any of the rides, but he completely proved me wrong.  The only ride he was too nervous to ride was the Joker.  He said it went too high.  But, somehow the ROLLER COASTERS weren't too high.  Crazy kid!  Here is all smiles at the beginning of the roller coaster ride...
And here he is at the end!  He said he like it but it did make him a little nervous.  I was so proud of him!
Sigh of relief now that ride is over!
Here's sweet Darby.  She was so good all day, just hanging out in the stroller.  
 Dylan, Grant, Jackson and Jacob.

 Jacob and Dylan were so excited to ride the Scrambler together...until they got tossed around a bit.  They were both rubbing their heads a little bit when they got off.  I think they bonked heads a few times.
 We got to meet Scooby Dooby Doo!
 The very first ride that Scott took Dylan on was the Log Flume.  I thought for sure Dylan would be done with rides after this one...but he wanted to go again!
 Jackson was JUST tall enough to ride some of the rides where you had to be 36 inches tall.  His first ride was the Tazmania Teacups and it was HILARIOUS.  I wish we had thought to take a video.  We warned the older boys before the ride started that they had to stop spinning if Jackson didn't like it.  Here they are waiting for the ride to begin...
Jackson surprised me and really loved it.  He was even helping the boys to spin faster!

 And then, all of a sudden it hit him.  He sat back and put his arms back on the cup.  That's when we yelled at the boys to stop spinning.  
 Even though they were no longer spinning, Jackson's head was going around and around in circles.  
 Grant's checking on his little buddy.  They still call him Baby Jackson.
 I was really worried for awhile there that I was going to be cleaning up a mess.  Look at that face!
 But then the dizziness stopped and he was laughing again!  He loved it!

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