Sunday, September 9, 2012

Magic House!

We had a fabulous opportunity to go the Magic House on Sunday Evening with Mama's work.  There were maybe 50 people in the whole place.  It was so great to see the kids running around and not have to worry about losing them or anything like that.  The kids had a BLAST and were trying everything out.  Dylan was SO incredibly excited the whole night, and Jackson just followed suit.  It was a big hit.  Thanks for inviting us Mama!
Here's a familiar scene but at a different location.  The Haarmann kids are fishing!
The cray hair pictures!  Evelyn and Olivia were both really good sports about it!

Albert Einstein?  Uncle Gary?  No, it's Papa!
Jackson had his tongue out all night.  He was concentrating on having fun! 
 Olivia and Dylan climbing the beanstalk.  Dylan made it all the way to the top!
 If you every have any car trouble, just call Olivia and Dylan.  Together they can solve any car problems!

That adorable grin was on Dylan's face all night.  He was SO excited about everything.  He kept dragging us from one thing to the other.  It's so fun to watch him learn so much.
 Future checkers?
Jackson helping Evelyn out a little bit.  
 Jackson loved the pipe scarf shooter outer thingy.  He was SO excited to watch his ball go through the pipes and then shoot out.  I think he would have stayed there the whole time if Dylan had let him.
 There's that tongue again!
 Papa's scary face! 

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