Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Parade!

We headed downtown to enjoy the St. Patrick's Day parade. The weather was beautiful for the parade, and we made it back to the car before the rain started. I'd say it was a successful day! The boys had a great time collecting beads and candy. I love Dylan's face in this picture...he's so excited about the candy that he was going after. He was so sweet. When the people with beads or candy came around, he would always ask them for 2, so he could give one to Jackson. How cute is that???!!! I just love that boy!
Jackson, showing off his tattoo.I'm calling this one "The Tower of Haarmann's." Papa, Mama and Jackson. (kind of wish Jackson had a better smile. Believe it or not, I think he was saying cheese!) Their heads kind of do look like one of those Totem Poles. LOL Maybe I should call it "The Haarmann Totem Pole." (I really do think I'm funny. Sad, I know.)
This cheese face is a little better. :)Towards the end of the parade we got out the ice packs that were keeping our beer cold. The boys were taking turns putting the ice on each others backs. They thought it was hilarious. I'm sure it was refreshing too. They were sweating a ton!Just a cute one of Jackson.The leprechaun balloon!These pictures were taken just for Terry! He made that sign.
And, he's a big fan of Jameson.

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