Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lake visit with Mimi and G-Pa!

This past weekend we headed to the lake with Mimi and G-Pa! The boys loved getting some one on one time with them. Dylan was so excited to show Mimi all his favorite fishing spots! Jackson was playing with the dirt that the worms were in (I so have boys!). I think he got a little of it on his face...
Mimi getting pointers from Dylan on fishing!
Noodle buddies!
G-Pa and Jackson!
Dylan caught a catfish. He was fishing by himself. He can reel in his own fish, so I wasn't too concerned about him. Then all of a sudden he goes "I need help! I need help!" I could hear the fish pulling the string on his little bitty Lightning McQueen pole! It was a chaotic couple of minutes trying to reel the fish in, but we got him! Dylan was a little nervous about the fish, I think because he was so much bigger than the normal little fishes we catch, but look how proud he is too!

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