Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dylan's 4 year pictures

It sounds so cliche but, I can't believe he's 4! When did that happen??? He's such a happy little boy. He's always bringing smiles to my face and I am so grateful for him. I'm such a lucky mommy! Picture day was entertaining to say the least. He was definitely in a silly mood, and wasn't very willing to cooperate. For example, the photographer asked him to put his hands in his pocket so she could get the below picture. (We were at Picture People, in the front studio with the big window so everyone in the mall could see us.) He put his hands in his pocket and then pulled his pants down! Then he would pull them up so high. (like Urkel. How sad is it that he won't know Urkel???!!!) He did this a few times, yet somehow the photographer managed to get the shot. She was very patient. ;)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Great Pictures!!!! Where does the time go!!