Monday, May 17, 2010

Haarmann Weekend at the Lake

We had so much fun this weekend at the lake. It was yucky weather, but we managed to get in a lot of fishing, feeding the ducks and quality family time. Dylan LOVED fishing. He's already telling stories about how the fish he caught were "THIS BIG!" He can't wait to go again...I just hope the fish are biting next time we're there. They sure were hungry this past weekend! Dylan enjoyed hanging out with Livy all weekend too. As soon as we left on Sunday he started crying, "I want my Livy." So sweet. Thanks to Mama and Papa for hosting such a fun weekend! Here's Dylan fishing, reeling it in all by himself!
So excited about his catch...
Baby Jackson looking cute as always.Dad and sweet.
Papa and Livy getting in on the exciting action of watching Dylan fish.
Dylan and Livy making silly faces at lunch.Evie giving Jackson some love!For some reason I couldn't get this last one to rotate, but still cute as can be!

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