Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yesterday Dylan and I saw a rainbow! He was so excited. He kept saying "Mommy, I see a rainbow. I see yellow & pink!" So, we pulled over (we were driving), took some pictures and discussed the colors and causes of the rainbow. The pictures are from my phone so they aren't that great, but if you look closely you can see that there were actually two rainbows. One was very bright, and the second one was barely there, just above the first one. What I thought was really neat is we could see the whole rainbow. Usually I just see one side of the rainbow. But we saw both sides...that means 2 pots of gold! I couldn't fit the whole rainbow on the camera though, which is a bummer. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jackson is 7 Months!

I can't believe how fast he is growing up! I'm about a week late on getting his monthly pictures taken, but he hasn't been feeling very well. You can tell in a couple of the pictures that he's still not 100%...his eyes look a little watery and tired. But, we still managed a few smiles out of him! He's sitting up by himself now. I still have to be close by b/c as soon as he gets distracted he falls over. He is learning how to just lay down as opposed to falling and hitting his head. One can only hit their head so many times before they figure out an easier way! Scott got in on some of the picture action this month too. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Always the big helper

Dylan insisted on helping Scott mow the lawn today. He did a great job! Yes, Dylan's lawn mower is fueled with bubbles! If you look close enough you may be able to see the bubbles coming out of Dylan's mower! Some day a few years down the road, when Dylan's throwing a teenage fit about having to mow the lawn, I'm going to pull out this picture and remind him how excited he was to help!

When Dylan's away, Jackson will play...

With Dylan's toys! Even though he wasn't feeling well, Jackson was very quick to scoot into Dylan's tunnel and finally get his turn! Dylan is very sweet with his baby Gackon, but he doesn't always like to share his toys. Jackson is learning to play with them when Dylan's not looking!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Haarmann Weekend at the Lake

We had so much fun this weekend at the lake. It was yucky weather, but we managed to get in a lot of fishing, feeding the ducks and quality family time. Dylan LOVED fishing. He's already telling stories about how the fish he caught were "THIS BIG!" He can't wait to go again...I just hope the fish are biting next time we're there. They sure were hungry this past weekend! Dylan enjoyed hanging out with Livy all weekend too. As soon as we left on Sunday he started crying, "I want my Livy." So sweet. Thanks to Mama and Papa for hosting such a fun weekend! Here's Dylan fishing, reeling it in all by himself!
So excited about his catch...
Baby Jackson looking cute as always.Dad and sweet.
Papa and Livy getting in on the exciting action of watching Dylan fish.
Dylan and Livy making silly faces at lunch.Evie giving Jackson some love!For some reason I couldn't get this last one to rotate, but still cute as can be!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

School Pictures!

It's that time of year again! Spring School Pics! These were taken a few weeks ago, so Dylan was 3 and Jackson was right around 6 months. This company always does such a great job at capturing the boys!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cowboy Jackson and Cowboy Dylan!

Don't all cowboys cry when you take away their hats? That is the most irresistible sad face ever!
Tough cowboys eat their way out of the crib!

The Zoo!

The weather has been so great, we were able to go to the zoo a couple of weeks ago, before it got too hot. It was perfect weather. It was Jackson's first visit to the zoo! He spent most of it in the stroller, but was excited to get out and see some of the animals. Here's my annual picture of Dylan by the penguin statue. He used to look so little by the statue!Just for fun, here's Dylan in July of 08 by the penguin statue...his face is hilarious!
And here he is in July of 07. He was around 5 months old.And here's Jackson's picture by the statue. He was getting tired at this point (and cold!) He was around 5 months as well.
And here I am holding both boys. I'm not sure what we were looking at since the animals were behind us and Scott was behind the camera (that we're obviously not looking at). I'm guessing we must have been watching a train go by!