Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jackson is 4 Months!

I can't believe how fast he's growing up! Today I took a half day to take him to his 4 month doctor appointment and to get his 4 month pictures taken. The doctor appointment went great! He's 16lb 3oz (74th percentile) and 26.3 inches (94th percentile). I was worried that he might be a little crabby for pictures after getting his shots, but he was in great spirits! I think he looks just like Dyan in this first picture.

I told the photographer my goal was to get a good pic of those thighs! I think she succeeded!


Evan and Maria said...

Happy 4 month bday Jackson! Oh my goodness...I think he REALLY looks like Dylan in a couple of those pics...they are just so cute! :)

The Brueckmanns said...

Looking super cute! He's growing fast!