Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My little man is 11 weeks old!

Jackson is growing up so fast. I can't believe he is 11 weeks old. I have a pile of pictures that I was putting in my albums (I'm a little behind!) and realized I never scanned his 2 month pictures. So, here they are! He looks like a football player here...where's his neck???!!! The photographer was dead set on getting him to sit up for one of the pictures. I kept reminding her that he was only 2 months old and didn't sit on his own. I think she kept forgetting b/c he's so big! He was very wobbly, and I was close by, but he's sitting, kind of. He's leaning against the wall behind him. That counts, right? :)
The token winter/Christmas picture.Isn't he just sweet?

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