We celebrated Jackson's baptism last weekend. Unlike his big brother, Jackson did very well during the baptism ceremony...only getting a little upset when they poured the water on his head. (Dylan screamed through the whole ceremony when he was baptized.) Since it was right at his 3 month mark, I went ahead and got his 3 month pictures taken in his baptism outfit. I know I'm a little biased, but I just think he is so adorable!

Uncle Mike and Aunt Heidi are Jackson's godparents. He is so lucky to have such great people in his life!

Just looking cute while I was getting him ready.
You're not biased, he is DARLING!!!! :)
He is so sweet! Love his little "man" outfit! Hope all is well! Give the boys some squeezes from us!
Jacki, seriously, Jackson is so cute! I love those cheeks! He's getting so big!
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