Sunday, January 24, 2010

3 months and Baptism

We celebrated Jackson's baptism last weekend. Unlike his big brother, Jackson did very well during the baptism ceremony...only getting a little upset when they poured the water on his head. (Dylan screamed through the whole ceremony when he was baptized.) Since it was right at his 3 month mark, I went ahead and got his 3 month pictures taken in his baptism outfit. I know I'm a little biased, but I just think he is so adorable!

Uncle Mike and Aunt Heidi are Jackson's godparents. He is so lucky to have such great people in his life!
Just looking cute while I was getting him ready.


Evan and Maria said...

You're not biased, he is DARLING!!!! :)

Kari said...

He is so sweet! Love his little "man" outfit! Hope all is well! Give the boys some squeezes from us!

Witthaus Family said...

Jacki, seriously, Jackson is so cute! I love those cheeks! He's getting so big!